Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Letter from an outside neighbor Mrs. Bessie Tyrrell - Member of Planning Board of the Town of South Bristol


Letter from Bessie Tyrrell
Wait a Minute by Bessie S Tyrrell

I don’t live in Bristol Harbour, but that doesn’t mean what is happening there isn’t affecting me, I am your neighbor.
Friends at the Harbour forwarded a letter titled “Legal Fees” that you received from your Board of Directors. The letter is long and complicated and doesn’t answer the questions I hear so many of you asking. Questions like:

1.  Why is it a good idea to put a lien on three of your neighbor’s properties when those folks were only asking for open meetings?

2.  Why were the legal fees of the 3 B’s for that action a fraction of what the Board’s were?
3.  Why is it okay to throw fecal material in the Field’s driveway and take mallets and destroy part of the wall in the parking garage the Field’s own?
4.  Why doesn’t your Board meet with you and answer your questions in person?

5.  How come posts are removed from Next Door for anyone who questions your Board?
6.  What is more commercial now about the marina? Nothing.  All of the dock additions conform to the plans approved 50 years ago on file with the State of NY.   

Vilifying the fields, blaming them for all that is happening encourages an “Us vs Them“  environment. Is that helping? That culture creates dissension and blinds everyone to the solutions readily available. Is that endless culture war coming from the fields? Are Jeremy and Cathy putting liens on neighbors properties, taking posts down of anyone  who disagrees, refusing to answer your questions? 

How do you stop this? You sign a petition making your Board of Directors accountable. The right to petition to hold your directors accountable is guaranteed by the Attorney General’s Office of the State of New York. Your action is what will change what is happening at Bristol Harbour.
Go to the website and select 3 lines at the upper right, select Recall to sign the petition to recall this board.

Petition available at: Friends at Bristol Habour Website

 “Neutrality helps the aggressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented”

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