Sunday, March 7, 2021

Proposal by Henry Savage to help resolve the waterfront issues

I know the board has a duty to protect our village and its governing documents. That being said ,I would like to propose due to the fact that a proposal has been submitted to the board, that the board represented by 1 or 2 individuals, Jeremy and Cathy, and 2 or 3 village residents have a meeting to see if we can't move the issue along.  I know there is an animus between the board and Jeremy and this causes misunderstandings.  If there was a meeting so all can hear and understand the issue and proposal, there could then be no he said they said and we could possibly reach an agreement.  The board has the power to amend the declaration and by laws for the benefit of the community.  The community has the right to urge the board to take action. Residents have a duty to follow the rules set forth.  With this being said and the history of BH,  an agreement could be reached and filed for legal standing and we could move on.  I get a gut feeling that there are hidden agendas that are getting in the way of an agreement.  Lets clear the air,resolve the issue and get back to enjoying our little slice of heaven.  I have included a series of emails from Crofton and a solution that could serve as a starting point for resolution. The proposal is mine and written from my understanding of the issue and my long association with BH. 

Henry Savage

 CLICK HERE for the details.

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