Friday, May 13, 2022

Audio from the May 12, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting

  Click Here for an audio recording of the May 12, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting.  The total audio lasts almost 1-1/2 hours.  You should be able to fast forward etc.

Here is the meeting agenda:

*** Legal update by Tony Rupp


1. Call to Order and Welcome: Gloria Harrington, President, BHVA


2. Roll Call of Board Members: G. Harrington


3. Introduction of Kenrick Staff: Property Manager: Corrine Odo, Administrative Assistant- C. Wallace


4. Facilities Update: Corrine Odo

    a. Bridge Update

    b. Cleanup & Enhancement of the Common Area, including Maintenance Bldg.

    c.  Stair Update

    d.  Kayak and Paddleboard Loaner Program

    e.  Fence for the Beach Update  

f. Fobs  

g. Tree Removal 

h. Hydrants


6. Financial & Legal

    a.  Status of the Audit and Select Numbers through April 31, 2022: Ed Wildman & Corrine Odo

   b.   Legal Update: Gina Cushing


7.  BHVA Meeting Schedule: June: will be a community update


                                               July 14 - Community Homeowner's Meeting


                                              August, 13, Annual Meeting @ South Bristol Town Hall


8. Recreation Committee Update: Monica Kraft


9. Response to Questions Submitted by May 5, 2022: Corrine Odo


10: Privilege of the Floor