Sunday, April 3, 2022

Audio from the March 31, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting

 Click Here for an audio recording of the March 31, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting.  The total audio lasts almost 2 hours.  You should be able to fast forward etc.

Here is the breakdown by time:

0:00:00 - 0:03:35. - Introduction and Roll Call

0:07:30 - 0:32:48 -  Tony Rupp overview of the legal progress to-date 

0:33:18 - 0:34:40.-  Kenrick Introduction

0:33:40 - 0:39:01 - Elevator update

0:39:01 - 0:42:28 - Pedestrian Bridge

0:42:25 - 0:43:30 - Commom area improvements

0:43:30 - 0:44:50 - Stairs to the beach

0:44:50 - 0:46:00 - Kayak loaner program

0:46:00 - 0:51:00 - Financial report

0:51:35 - 0:53:00 - Future meeting schedule

0:54:00 - 0:59:20 - Recreation Committee report

0:59:30 - 1:14:00 - Questions - General info

1:14:00 - 1:48:00 - Privilege of the floor