Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

2022 Election Results

 Dear BHVA Residents,

Here are details of the results of the Annual Meeting, held at the Town of South Bristol, August 13, 2022.

184 units were represented at the in person meeting – 108 proxies were submitted in addition to the owners from 76 units who were in attendance.

197 ballots were cast for the board election, out of 340 eligible properties. There were 7 abstentions.

The elected members are: Patricia King - 3 year term Ginny Lalka - 3 year term John Schultes - 1 year term Hannah Snyder - 3 year term

It is Kenrick's position and now the BHVA board's position as well to not give out the number of votes each candidate received.

The BHVA Officers are:

Gloria Harrington - President

Ed Wildman - Treasurer

Patricia King - Secretary

Ginny Lalka - Environmental Committee Gina Cushing - Contributing Member John Constance - Contributing Member Dave Richardson - Contributing Member John Schultes - Facilities

Hannah Snyder - Contributing Member

Thanks again to all who voted in the first ever electronic election at Bristol Harbour Village.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Voting Results from BOD Annual Meeting - 2021 think


I think Gina Cushing, Gloria Harrington, David Richardson and Ed Wildman
were elected to the board.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Audio from the May 12, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting

  Click Here for an audio recording of the May 12, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting.  The total audio lasts almost 1-1/2 hours.  You should be able to fast forward etc.

Here is the meeting agenda:

*** Legal update by Tony Rupp


1. Call to Order and Welcome: Gloria Harrington, President, BHVA


2. Roll Call of Board Members: G. Harrington


3. Introduction of Kenrick Staff: Property Manager: Corrine Odo, Administrative Assistant- C. Wallace


4. Facilities Update: Corrine Odo

    a. Bridge Update

    b. Cleanup & Enhancement of the Common Area, including Maintenance Bldg.

    c.  Stair Update

    d.  Kayak and Paddleboard Loaner Program

    e.  Fence for the Beach Update  

f. Fobs  

g. Tree Removal 

h. Hydrants


6. Financial & Legal

    a.  Status of the Audit and Select Numbers through April 31, 2022: Ed Wildman & Corrine Odo

   b.   Legal Update: Gina Cushing


7.  BHVA Meeting Schedule: June: will be a community update


                                               July 14 - Community Homeowner's Meeting


                                              August, 13, Annual Meeting @ South Bristol Town Hall


8. Recreation Committee Update: Monica Kraft


9. Response to Questions Submitted by May 5, 2022: Corrine Odo


10: Privilege of the Floor

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Audio from the March 31, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting

 Click Here for an audio recording of the March 31, 2022 BHVA Open Meeting.  The total audio lasts almost 2 hours.  You should be able to fast forward etc.

Here is the breakdown by time:

0:00:00 - 0:03:35. - Introduction and Roll Call

0:07:30 - 0:32:48 -  Tony Rupp overview of the legal progress to-date 

0:33:18 - 0:34:40.-  Kenrick Introduction

0:33:40 - 0:39:01 - Elevator update

0:39:01 - 0:42:28 - Pedestrian Bridge

0:42:25 - 0:43:30 - Commom area improvements

0:43:30 - 0:44:50 - Stairs to the beach

0:44:50 - 0:46:00 - Kayak loaner program

0:46:00 - 0:51:00 - Financial report

0:51:35 - 0:53:00 - Future meeting schedule

0:54:00 - 0:59:20 - Recreation Committee report

0:59:30 - 1:14:00 - Questions - General info

1:14:00 - 1:48:00 - Privilege of the floor      


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Settlement Offer when the "goal posts were moved"

 In a Bruce Hunt reply to a post I made on Nextdoor he said:

“Look at the last offer the BOD made to Fields before he sued the entire community and tell me what was unfair.”


Following is the resignation letter from Phil Viruso a BOD member who saw that last offer and must have thought it was unfair. He represented the BOD and had negotiated a settlement with the Fields’ representatives before the board “moved the goal posts” and added 8 items that were unacceptable and a clause that said the board could cancel out of the agreement at anytime.


Here is his resignation letter:



I agreed to be on the settlement negotiating committee and put myself in the painful place between this BOD and the Fields.  Since we had our conference call this past Wednesday with Trevitt Cristo and put together an outline of our proposal, you have apparently backtracked and now are taking a reversionary position of drawing the battle lines.  You have made several public representations to the community that the BOD was close to an agreement with Fields (based on the Settlement Agreement), and now you are almost wholly rejecting the same agreement.  What has changed? It appears that you do not really want to make this succeed with the ongoing indecisiveness of your position; or there is intent to undermine this effort. This is compromising my personal credibility and reputation, and I will not stand for that.  It seems you keep moving the goal post as we move down the field, and that is tough for anyone to work with. 

This lack of steadfast leadership is not tenable for me and I cannot continue to be associated with its ramifications, especially when coupled with the vitriol and divisiveness that is present on this current board. 

Therefore, I am resigning from this Board of Directors and my (surrogate) Facility Chair effective immediately.  ......  I sincerely hope that you can find some way to get this back on track, as you have led the expenditure of likely over $40,000 in legal fees with no end in sight presently; and apparently you and some on this board are not even following the advice of our attorneys (or the last set).  This board has a responsibility to do the right thing for this community which should not be the agenda of a select few people.




Phil Viruso